Wolf Run 2024

Eric Fattig
  • Special Event
System: Special Event
Date: Oct 27
9:00am (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 50
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Join us for a brisk 5k jog Sunday Morning along the bay! The Wolf Run is a tradition as old as the con itself. What better way to reinvigorate yourself on the last day of the con than by jogging through the crisp morning air with your fellow con-goers?

We'll be following the same route as the past two years. After crossing the Bayshore Street, we'll run north along the water for a mile and a half before turning back. We aim for a 10-12 minute per mile pace, but if you're slower or faster that's a-ok too. Based on feedback, we've also adjusted the start time to 9 AM, so you can sleep in a little.

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