Wake Up Omen

Sillion L, Eben LaPier
  • Playtest
  • RPG
System: Titanomachy: Dreams of the Hue
Date: Oct 25
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
Characters: Created at the table
Join us on a CyberBioPunk Trillionaire Boss Rush set in a sprawling futuristic echo of Houston, cut through with '00s "nostalgia," Drum N Bass sci-fi energy, and earnest Southern energy.

Built on the Wild Words engine designed and popularized by The Wildsea, TDotH is a narrative heavy, action packed romp through a strange cyberpunk US South cut through with Biopunk strangeness empowering characters to end a dying world with hope in their hearts.

Design both your rogues' gallery of Titans, tyrannical leaders of the Hue, and your Omens, revolutionaries with powers drawn from the lives they've lived, the work the labor they produce, and the specialties they've developed.

Then we'll rocket from the sky toward a Hue we've built together, empowered to start down the path of Titanomachy, felling the Titans that hold this world in exploited stasis.

Content Advisory!
Body horror, violence, oppressive antagonists with connections to real themes at the players choice

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