The Winter Ball

PJ Megaw
  • RPG
System: Dragon Age RPG
Date: Oct 26
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils, Script Change
Characters: Provided
Welcome to Orlais, a country of baroque sophistication and broke morality, where everyone wears a mask and there are daggers in smiles. The time is that of the Court's Winter Ball; the most ostentatious and revered event in all of nobility. Where all manner of powerful elite and invited heroes may rub elbows; either making lasting contracts, or succumb to the deadly sport of betrayal and death played behind the scenes - The GAME.

You play a band of Grey Wardens that have been traveling together for some time now. Your accolades and successes in the lands of Thedas have been sent by your loyal friend, Baston, to his master De Leon in the court. Your coffers are running low, your stronghold is falling apart, and your stomachs are empty. Though coming was ill-advised, it is a desperate measure to make sure your mission of protecting people from Darkspawn and keeping yourselves fit to do so, can continue to be a success.

Can you survive the twists and turns of the Winter Ball? Can you survive their GAME, can you impress the Empress and her wife and leave with their sponsorship and support? Or will Orlais feast upon Grey Warden hopes? Find out...
Content Advisory!
Within Dragon Age the conversation of being an other is handled with the Elves. We will be ignoring this narrative beat for safety and because it does not effect the story at hand.

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