The Gooseberry Marriage

Sam Dunnewold
  • LARP
System: The Gooseberry Marriage
Date: Oct 26
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 11
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy, Other, Game-specific phrases and tools
Characters: Provided
The Gooseberry Festival is in full swing in Heddington-Goodge, an unspeakably quaint English village. The local gentry have gathered to politely applaud at local school children as they prate and caper and sing badly, but also to hash out some affairs of import behind the scenes. The servants have gathered to make sure the gentry don't mess anything up too badly.

There's the matter of a border between estates that needs to be redrawn. There's the matter of a looming wedding no one wants—a wedding predicated on ancient tradition surrounding the Gooseberry Festival that the villagers approach with alarming seriousness.

And, of course, there's the matter of the old spoon.
Content Advisory!
Broad farce, ill-considered schemes, dignified suffering, romance for several characters, class tension, arguments over how to apportion land, the vicious desire for a particular spoon, and silly British names.

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