The Fountain of Souls

Alan Hodges
  • RPG
System: The Village Secret
Date: Oct 25
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Lines/Veils
Characters: Provided
As an unthreatening waypoint for airship trade between two great nations, the Floating Village of Mistwind is peaceful, prosperous and independent. Unfortunately, that is about to change. Hundreds of "soulless" avian people have arrived unexpectedly, seeking... something. As fellow skylanders, they have a right to camp at the Sky Harbor. But there is a deadened look in their eyes. Could they be seeking the village secret?

In The Village Secret (coming soon to an online retailer near you) you have two characters, a Villager and an Interloper. You might choose to play one of them most of the time, but you should consider both of them to be "your" characters. You can play either character at any time, as long as you do not play them both at the same time. The story begins with the Interlopers disturbing the community, develops as they get closer to uncovering the secret, and ends when they are no longer a threat. There are many ways the story can end, ranging from defeating the Interlopers in a decisive conflict to joining them.

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