The Felled King's Fate

Ben Kenning
  • RPG
System: Winter's Saga
Date: Oct 25
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy
Characters: Provided
Have you heard?

They say King Kolbjǫrn got cursed.
Stricken he sits in a silent stupor
Only breathing and swallowing broth
The man languishes in a lasting dream.

His daughter summons dauntless heroes
Ready to submit to Seiðr ritual
With this witchcraft they will walk his dreams
To reverse the felled King’s fate.

Welcome to Winter’s Saga (unpublished)—a Viking fantasy game inspired by Beowulf, Icelandic sagas, and dark faerie tales. You are a Norse hero living in a prophesied age of strife; your adventures often culminate in a desperate struggle against a monster equal parts beautiful and terrifying. As you play, you make decisions as if you were your hero.

I hope to see you in game!
Content Advisory!
Light misogny (inheritance-themed), euthanasia, violence

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