The Family Cookout: Being Black in the TTRPG Space

Samm STAR, WallE , Austin Taylor, Zoelle Williams, Dare Hickman
  • Panel
System: Panel
Date: Oct 27
10:00am (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 50
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
This panel is a discussion on what it's like being Black in the tabletop space. Come sit and chat with our StrixU cast, an all Black and Trans D&D 5e Actual Play, as we’re gonna be talking about: What was it like to be a minority in the space? And what is it like to find a group and play with individuals that reflect yourself? What are the challenges when navigating through this space while being Black? What specific cultural touchstones do you bring to your pcs, npcs & world building, and so much more! There will be mentions of racism and diversity but mainly a celebration of our experiences and how they enhance the space and add to more real and diverse stories.
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