The Extraordinarily Horrible Children of Raven's Hollow

Jesse Burneko
  • RPG
System: The Extraordinarily Horrible Children of Raven's Hollow
Date: Oct 26
2:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 9
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Open Door Policy
Characters: Provided
The Extraordinarily Horrible Children of Raven's Hollow is a card-driven storytelling game about a group of mischievous children attempting potentially lethal pranks against each other and the adults who seek to stop them. When a player's child eventually meets their untimely demise they take on the role of a watchful raven who holds powerful sway over the events in Raven's Hollow. The game has a formal structure like a card game but produces a dark Gothic fairy tale in the vein of Edward Gorey or Roman Dirge comics.
Content Advisory!
Indie comics style harm to children

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Illustration of Little Red

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