
Taylor Navarro, Shu Qing Tan, Allegro, Aaron Saucedo, Basil Wright
  • Special Event
System: Special Event
Date: Oct 25
2:00pm (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 100
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Time to break the ice and make some friends! Join us in the Poolside Pavilion for a speed-dating inspired event to meet others who share your interests. Please note this event is for PoC attendees (organized with the help of the Special Events Team) with the goal of having friendly conversations with new people!

How Will it Work?
Each table will have multiple prompts of subjects to discuss with others, including hobbies, TV/Movies and more. Find a seat at a table and begin chatting with others until the timer sounds, after which you should move to a new table and find someone else to talk to!

Name badges will be provided. This is a mask mandatory event (no food or drink allowed).

Add Another GM

You are the owner of this event. If you need to add another GM, send them the following link which they can use to add themselves to the event.

NOTE: The person you are sending this to must already have a badge themselves in order for them to add themselves.

Link copied!

Add Yourself as a GM

You have been given a link code to add yourself as a GM to this event. To add yourself click "Add Me To Event" below.


Max GMs

The link code you have been given cannot be used we limit events to a maximum of 6 GMs

Add Yourself as a GM

You don't currently have a badge. You must have a badge in order to use the link code you have been given.

Image Upload

Only Available for Admins & Event GM/Facilitator.

Images are cropped automatically at 16/9 ratio and centered. Images should be no more than 1MB, mininum 760x428 px, and maximum 1,520x856 px, (or there abouts) and formatted with jpg or webp (png or gif accepted but generally the former compress better).

Illustration of Little Red

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