Playing Revolutionaries: Difficulties in Designing Left-Wing Games

Jess Levine, Jason Morningstar, Kavita Poduri, Kevin Nguyen
  • Panel
System: Panel
Date: Oct 26
5:00pm (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 50
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Designing games about revolution and other left-wing politics can introduce unique and challenging design constraints. How do we do the subject matter justice and treat it with the gravity it deserves? How do we do this without over-inflating the importance of "play," and how while ensuring that the experience is still enjoyable and satisfying to players? There's a reason that "LARPer" gets used as a derogatory for adventurist leftists-what is the role of play, and how does it interact with the necessity to participate in real organizing and action? Panelists Jason Morningstar, Jessica Marcrum, Kavita Poduri, and Kevin Thien Vu Long Nguyen, along with host Jess Levine will explore these questions and other difficulties they've faced designing games that intentionally center left-wing politics.
Content Advisory!
Discussions of revolution, imperialism and colonialism, left-wing street action and more may lead to discussion of intense & large scale state violence.

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