Opening Ceremonies

During the ceremonies, we'll encourage folks to research voluntary land taxes to support indigenous people in your area. Here are some useful links to get you started:
E.T. (they/them or he/him): I am honored to co-steward Big Bad Online 2022 alongside Sean Nittner. In normal, non-pandemic years I coordinate Games on Demand both at Big Bad Con and independently at many cons in western Washington. I also act as a project manager and administrator for Go Play NW, a small, independent TTRPG convention in Seattle, WA. (This year we're online, and we have an upcoming online gaming event June 3-4! Everyone check it out at!) When I’m not volunteering for TTRPG conventions or baking bread for money, I play Bak Sil Lum kung fu and Chen, Koo’s, and Sun style taiji.
Ash Cheshire (fae/they) has been an attendee and GM for BBC every year since its start, and has been on staff nearly as long. Fae are proud to serve the community as a board member and as curator of the Baba Yaga fundraiser gift boxes.
Morgan Nuncio (they/she) is a TTRPG content creator who does their best to cheerlead and support fellow POCs in the sphere. They make TikToks about game and game design, and do Actual Play podcasting and live streams. She has also written for Kids On Bikes, Teens in Space, and Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall. They also love lifting heavy and going on food adventures with their pup!
Sophie Lagacé (she/her) has been gaming for so long that she thinks of THAC0 as “that new-fangled acronym.†She likes playing, game-mastering, organizing, reviewing, tinkering with, and writing about tabletop games, especially role-playing games. She has written for Atlas Games, Evil Hat Productions, Generic Games, Vigilance Press, and ZombieSmith. She also was a Fate line developer and project manager for Evil Hat Productions and currently handles their electronic releases.
Sean Nittner (he/him) is the steward of Big Bad Con, Evil Hat director of projects, and host of He co-authored the game AGON with John Harper, a game of heroic action in a mythic world.