
Sam Dunnewold
  • RPG
System: Northfield
Date: Oct 27
11:00am (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Open Door Policy, Other, Let's Not, Let's Try Another Way
Characters: Provided
"Get your guns, boys, they're robbing the bank!" It's a great line.

In 1876 it means the James-Younger gang has come to Northfield, riding high off a big haul on the Kansas-Pacific Railroad, and eager to sweeten the pot in a harmless little Minnesota town. It means that things are about to go sideways.

In 2026 it also means the James-Younger gang has come to Northfield - or, rather, the people who play them at the Defeat of Jesse James Days 150th anniversary reenactment. It's a fun little slogan. But things are still going to go sideways.

Because Northfield, Minnesota was never harmless.
Content Advisory!
Violence both real and imaginary, family drama, gendered shittiness, war trauma, substance abuse, and racism

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Illustration of Little Red

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