
Heather Osborne
  • All Ages
  • Board/Card Game
  • Playtest
System: Nebula
Date: Oct 25
4:00pm (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Nebula is a free-form game of star formation. In Nebula, you play inside a stellar nursery, stacking dust and gas until the piles explode into stars. Each explosion helps you and your opponents create more stars. Block your opponents with clever placements of stars and dust, or use their explosions to ride to success. Players build in any shape they want, around anything that happens to be on the table: coffee cups, books, cats, or the rules of the game. Nebula's free-form, flexible style makes this an incredibly easy game to start, and guarantees that no two games will be alike. Nebula is a game for people who love patterns, fans of stars and astronomy, and anyone who likes it when things explode.

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