Mystery Teens!

Lara Turner
  • All Ages
  • Playtest
  • RPG
System: Mystery Teens! (PbtA)
Date: Oct 27
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Open Door Policy
Characters: Created at the table
"Like, wowsers bowsers, gang, it looks like there's a mystery at the Old Abandoned Amusement Park Factory, and it's up to us to crack the Case of the Slime Ghost!"

In Mystery Teens!, you are a bunch of teens who have stumbled into a seemingly supernatural mystery, and it's up to you to explore spooky locations, find creepy clues, and capture and unmask whatever mean old grown-up has been causing all these problems. Maybe you'll be accompanied by a talking dog, or a talking shark, or an unfrozen caveman, who knows?

Mystery Teens! is obviously and openly inspired by Scooby-Doo and its many imitators, and uses a modified Powered by the Apocalypse system to bring their cartoon antics and mostly-comprehensible plots to the table.

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