Monsters and Mobsters

Lara Turner
  • Playtest
  • RPG
System: Abyssal (FitD)
Date: Oct 25
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Open Door Policy
Characters: Created at the table
Abyssal is a Forged in the Dark game which the players take on the roles of people who exist halfway between being human and being a monster; bitten by a vampire but not yet turned, filled with eldritch powers but not fully tapping into them, or born in the darkness but trying to claw out a home on the surface. Together, they navigate the pulls and expectations of both humanity and the societies in the shadows of human cities.

This particular game of Abyssal will take place in Las Vegas in the 1970s. The glitz and the glamor of the Strip hide more than just mob violence... Fae masters of illusion are taking advantage of tourists, psychic Oracles are seeking arcane knowledge in every roll of the dice, and Demon worshipers on the edge of town know there's a nexus of power the can be found with enough effort and violence. And those are just the biggest groups.

Find out what else lurks in the shadows. Flex incredible power and tame your most monstrous desires. Maybe rob a casino.
Content Advisory!
Blood, violence, maybe body horror

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