Last Words are Never Enough (Solo-Journaling)

Dylan Baird
  • RPG
System: Last Words are Never Enough
Date: Oct 26
9:00am (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 20
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy
Characters: Other/Does not apply
This is a solo game about your character's final moments, from multiple genres, with multiple antagonist choices. You journal the final moments of the life of a victorious protagonist, who won't be around to see the world they saved.

Last Words are Never Enough is a game about processing the loss of a heroic character through a solo-journal style game. Printed copies will be provided at the convention along with a reading of the rule set before the players go to write their experiences. This can be a great way to provide a send-off to a character who was played in any TTRPG system that did not get to the end of the campaign, or a way to explore grief and loss through the eyes of a randomly rolled character, scenario, and setting.

This game session will be led by the designer, and was a tool featured in the Unbalanced Encounters podcast's story arc "Small Gods Scatter."
Content Advisory!
Character Death, Grief & Loss

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Illustration of Little Red

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