L2p: Panic at the Dojo

Talia Highrock
  • All Ages
  • RPG
System: Panic at the Dojo
Date: Oct 26
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils
Characters: Provided
Panic at the Dojo is a tabletop game for 3-5 players set in a modern world where martial arts reigns supreme, and magic exists a little bit. All mundane personal conflicts (overdue rent, petty theft, movie opinions, and whose turn it is to wash the dishes) are decided by high level martial arts fights. People yell at each other, throw out punches, swing swords, make explosions, improvise with ladders, shout attack names, and unleash their special techniques passed down for generations. At the end of the day, someone gets what they want and everyone else has to limp home empty handed.

During your turn, you choose one of your Stances to assume, roll its Action Dice, and spend the numbers you get to perform actions. Higher numbers let you perform more powerful actions, and every Form has a different set of Action Dice to work with. Once you have spent all your numbers on actions, your turn is over, and the Enemy team picks someone to go next.

Your actions never miss — your dice determine how powerful they are, not whether or not they work at all. Your actions translate into a string of moves that all chain together and often feel like something only you could do, with your specific fighting style. And order matters — stronger actions tend to send your enemies flying away from you, so you need to hit them with the weaker hits first or you won't have an enemy to keep hitting!

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