Jews in TTRPGs

Max Fefer
  • All Ages
  • Panel
System: Panel
Date: Oct 26
3:00pm (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 50
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Curious how Judaism presents itself in the TTRPG industry? Learn from a panel of accomplished Jewish TTRPG game designers and actual play creators about how their Judaism presents itself in our games. Panelists will expand on how we choose to incorporate our diaspora stories into the games and art we create. A special highlight will be how to incorporate historical and religious texts, including translating Hebrew and Aramaic texts about Jewish magic!

The panelists have committed to a values statement to ensure we are creating an inclusive environment that does not support the genocide in Palestine:

"The members of this panel are opposed to the ongoing genocide in Palestine and call for an immediate ceasefire. Israel is occupying and colonizing Palestinian land, discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel, and denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Israel is maintaining a regime of occupation, apartheid, and settler-colonialism over the Palestinian people. Israel is only able to maintain this illegal regime because of international support and complicity.

We call on all people of conscience to stop the imminent genocide of Palestinians. We demand our government work towards de-escalation, that it immediately stop sending weapons to the Israeli military. A future of peace and safety for all, grounded in justice, freedom and equality for all, is still the only option.

We can and we must stop this. Never again means never again — for anyone."

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