Idle Days on the Yann

Jason Bradley Thompson
  • All Ages
  • Playtest
  • RPG
System: Dreamland
Date: Oct 27
2:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Safety Tools: X-Card
Characters: Provided
Tired of life? Seeking something new? Bored of the gloomy corner of Dreamland where your dreams always find you? A new life awaits on the banks of the River Yann! Just a short trip away, across monster-infested jungles... and the terrible Irusian Mountains... and countless dangers standing between you and the promised wonderland...

Dreamland: Fairytale Portal Fantasy Beyond the Wall of Sleep is a new RPG inspired by the works of Lord Dunsany, H.P. Lovecraft and The Neverending Story, coming from Exalted Funeral in 2025. Enter Dreamland, a fairytale-like world outside of time where your Memories of waking life can reshape reality... but lose them all and you may never awaken. DMed by the designer, Jason Thompson.

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