I'm a BIPoC in the TTRPG Space... A Conversation After That Tweet

Mark J, dustehill, Amihan, Monroe Wells-Soto, Dare Hickman
  • Panel
System: Panel
Date: Oct 25
9:00am (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 50
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
On 2/12/24, I posted the following tweet: "Help me out. I'm a BIPOC in the #ttrpg space. Of course..."

Receiving 176 retweets, this post sparked thousands of conversations across the online TTRPG space from BIPoC creators' personal experiences of being stereotyped, tokenized, excluded, and discriminated against. For many creators, it was their first time publicly acknowledging how they were treated differently based on their status as a BIPoC. While these types of conversations are not novel and happen frequently amongst safe social circles, expressing these experiences publicly represents a challenge. Many BIPoCs fear personal and professional repercussions for voicing their experience and often remain silent. I want to create a brave and safe space for panelists to express themselves and present to BigBad Con attendees a follow-up conversation to the above tweet, elucidating the issues faced as BIPoC creators.

For over a year, I've been the host of the nOne-shOt podcast, where I've interviewed BIPoC creators about the "intersection between culture, race, and the TTRPG space." This panel will be a continuation of that work. I will moderate a panel of BIPoC creators to further discuss their initial responses to the tweet, to ask if they have observed any significant changes in their experience and across the industry, and to foster solutions for the benefit of the community.
Content Advisory!
Racism, Discrimination

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