Grief and Catharsis at the Table

Jellyfishlines, Basil Wright, Felix Bishop, Kris | dndimposter, Jonathan Connor Self, Ambrose
  • Panel
System: Panel
Date: Oct 25
11:00am (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 50
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Losing someone you loved is the hardest thing in the world. There is a hole left where they should be in your life. But what happens when that person you loved was also in the TTRPG space? How do you navigate grief at and outside the table, even at the tables you used to play at together? How do you pay respect to those you've lost while respecting yourself and your grief? How do you mourn for what could have been not only for you but for them as well? How do Actual Plays help or complicate grieving and mourning? How does one bear the weight of legacy?

This panel aims to help those who have lost their loved ones, to help those with the empty chair next to them know they are not alone in what they are going through, no matter how great the sea of grief may feel. The sea remains, the tide can always rise and recede, but no one has to brave the ocean alone. We brave the currents together.
Content Advisory!
Death, Grieving, Medical Complications, Violent and Sudden Death Discussions

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