Extra Ordinary Playtest

Kodi Gonzaga
  • All Ages
  • Playtest
  • RPG
System: Belonging Outside Belonging
Date: Oct 26
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 6
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy, Other, O-Card, Stars and Wishes, Debrief
Characters: Created at the table
Extra Ordinary gives us beat-up canvas backpacks and dirty, duct-taped sneakers, kids holding bloody hands grasped a little too tight, strange and dangerous powers, chasing dark forces, people who can't or just won't understand, and an endless journey on the side of a winding highway asking, "What do you do next?"

Extra Ordinary is a tabletop roleplaying game I'm working on about children and teens with extraordinary powers on the run from danger in the ordinary world. It uses the Belonging Outside Belonging system, which is a GM-less, token-based, rules-lite system that emphasizes storytelling and character-driven narratives. The game will use the X-Card, O-Card, Lines and Veils, Open Door Policy, Breaks, Stars and Wishes, and Debrief safety tools. Advice and critiques of the game are welcome, but please be kind when delivering them! Additionally, there will be a 15-minute break roughly around the 2-hour mark (after character and world creation).

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