Exalted: Four Weddings & A Funeral

Andrés Santiago Pérez-Bergquist
  • RPG
System: Cortex Prime
Date: Oct 25
2:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy
Characters: Provided
Explore the world of Exalted using the Cortex Prime system, taking on the role of the mysterious Sidereal Exalted working to avert disaster behind the scenes.

The Kingdom of Icehall has agreed to an alliance with the blessed Realm, to be sanctified by the marriages of five noble Dragon-Blooded couples. But, the astrologers of the Bureau of Destiny have charted out that the planned pairings will lead to utter ruin! As a circle of Sidereal Exalted, the many-hat-wearing martial-artist-sorcerer-bureaucrat-spies of Heaven, you have three days to reorder the couples into a more auspicious arrangement before the wedding triggers a regional catastrophe (and more paperwork than you can imagine).

We'll be using the lightweight, Ennie-Award-winning Cortex Prime system, with pre-made characters, to get right into the story. No prior experience needed! Intended tone is light & upbeat, but not a farce, like an espionage-thriller / romantic-comedy hybrid.
Content Advisory!
Arranged Marriages, Societal Expectations, Gender Identity & Orientation, Ability to Procreate, Demons, Spiders, Angry Ex-Lovers, Undead

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