Elf With A 10 Page Backstory

Devin Nelson
  • RPG
System: Elf With A 10 Page Backstory
Date: Oct 27
11:00am (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 5
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils
Characters: Created at the table

"You and your (2-4) friends are starting a new fantasy roleplay campaign or oneshot. Your character is a badass elf* with pages of deep, edgy, tragic lore. You didn't make a healer, nor did any of your friends.

One of you is the Dungeon Keeper. You have pages of lore about your hardcore original setting and haven't read any of your players' novellas. Or perhaps you suddenly had a sick idea for a character and don't want to run the game now. This is fine, you'll all figure it out together."

*You don't have to be an elf. Any sort of fantastical person is fine as long as they are sick af.


In Elf With A 10 Page Backstory you play as mysterious adventurers who slowly reveal the secrets of their dark past to help them overcome challenges while simultaneously shoehorning their lore into the Dungeon Keeper's narrative and building off the lore of their companions. It is a lighthearted satirical love letter to edgelord gamers and to the imaginations of our younger selves.

Despite the name, Elf With A 10 Page Backstory requires no preparation and takes little time to learn.

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