Dreamcrafting: Vibes-Based Design

quinn b. rodriguez, Hamnah Shahid, Dare Hickman
  • Workshop
System: Workshop
Date: Oct 26
2:00pm (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 20
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Do you find your design ideas get bogged down in rules and mechanics? Have you ever found yourself with a concept for a game, only to realize its spirit doesn't quite fit into an existing system?

In this workshop, we will explore what it means to dive into the exciting world of experimental game design. We will discuss finding your vibe, articulating abstraction, externalizing raw concepts into something concrete, playability, and more.

Bring something to write with (analog or digital) and an open mind!
Content Advisory!
This workshop may touch on darker or more serious themes, including but not limited to: death, grief, apocalypse, systemic oppression, intimacy, and aspects of living with marginalized identities.

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Illustration of Little Red

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