Cracker Barrel Has Fallen

Madeleine Mason
  • RPG
System: Cracker Barrel Has Fallen
Date: Oct 27
9:00am (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines/Veils
Characters: Created at the table
"I take no pleasure in reporting that Cracker Barrel has fallen," you hear from your general manager over the old, hand-crank radio. You knew this was coming. First it was Zaxby's, then Bojangles, and now Cracker Barrel. This zombie horde will stop at nothing. "The National Guard can evacuate you, but they can't get there for 6 more hours. Hold down the fort until then, don't let anyone leave, and I'll see you under the yellow sign." The radio goes silent.

You all, the employees and patrons of your town's Waffle House, are the last line of defense before this zombie horde fully takes over your town.

Cracker Barrel Has Fallen

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