Charity Games: Beginning to End

PJ Megaw, Poorna M, Jes Wade, Aida (she/her)
  • Panel
System: Panel
Date: Oct 27
9:00am (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 50
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Charities are a very important way for the causes to help the world get the funds to do so. As humans in this world it's our job to do what we can to further these causes, we are the ones living in this world after all. If you've seen any games happening you'll see a lot of charity one shots to raise money. If you've been wondering how do you do this yourself and make an impact then come for some helpful tips and hints. This panel and it's expert panelists can help inform and guide you on the process of starting a charity game from beginning to end!

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