Casting Dramaturgy in TTRPGs

Madeleine Mason
  • Workshop
System: Workshop
Date: Oct 25
12:00pm (duration 1:00)
Spaces: 20
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Dramaturgy is a form of dramatic composition that has existed since the 1760s, and its primary use is to bring a strong foundation and structure to the world of theatre. It's also a fantastic tool to add to your tabletop games! Whether it be world building, making characters, or making a new TTRPG, dramaturgy is a tool you can use to take your work to the next level.

We will discuss basic tenants of dramaturgy, how it functions in the space of live theatre, and how we can transfer those skills to our TTRPG games. We will also talk about how dramaturgy-adjacent work is being used in the space, and how it elevates the existing content.

Madeleine graduated from The Theatre School at DePaul University and has been utilizing her dramaturgy skills in the TTRPG space for about 3 years now. She's worked with multiple theatres in the area across California as a dramaturg or teaching artist in some capacity, including Sacramento Music Circus, B Street Theatre, Laguna Playhouse, and more!

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