The Breaking Point

W Quinellipe ("Quin") Zorn
  • RPG
System: Breakdown
Date: Oct 27
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Room: 2016 (6)
Spaces: 4
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Other, "No Go" topics
Characters: Created at the table
The game Breakdown features highly-stressed protagonists ("Pros," as we call these characters) trying to do some fundamental good amid a tide of inhumanity. Their emotional drive makes them powerful and vulnerable; they risk breaking down the harder they push.

The Breaking Point setting is focused on civil servants in a big city. The stresses are personal and psychological. The setting is immediately recognizable to anyone who has seen or read character-driven legal, medical, firefighter, or other emergency and civil service worker dramas, including fictions such as:

  • L&O: SVU: Stabler struggles to keep it together while preoccupied with protecting his family and controlling his inner rage

  • Rescue Me: a firefighter survivor of the 9/11 terrorist strike suffers from demons of guilt and loss, believing his dead partner has come back as a ghost

  • L&O: Criminal Intent: Goren is a brilliant profiler able to "read" insane perpetrators and well-intended apologists - but his inner demons are his kryptonite

  • Monk: while a lighter show, his survivor guilt and multiple severe phobias push him to alienate others and break down

  • ER: doctors struggle with problems from addiction to abuse

  • House: misanthropy barely masks his pain and bleeding heart, healing at great personal and relationship cost

  • 9-1-1: a bevy of noble intentions and tragedy perhaps best exemplified by Capt. Nash

Content Advisory!
Typically contains strong content; we will discuss "no go" topics and we will rewind/rewrite if something objectionable comes up in play

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Event Booking

Date: Oct 27
9:00am (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 4

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