Bell and Key

Aaron Sunshine
  • LARP
System: Bell and Key
Date: Oct 26
2:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 6
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy, Other, Okay Check-in
Characters: Created at the table
This is a LARP about what ordinary people do when the world they hold dear is threatened by forces beyond their control. Specifically, it is about the struggles faced by grand hotel concierges amidst the rise of fascism in a fictionalized Europe in the lead-up to World War 2.

Players will take on the roles of members of a secret society of concierges, the Order of the Bell and Key. You will help one another face increasingly dire challenges and threats to your world over four Acts, beginning in 1934 and culminating in military occupation of your nations by fascist forces in 1940. It is not possible for all, or even most, characters to achieve a happy ending, as you will be forced to use dwindling resources to choose between your personal well-being, your ideals, and the survival of your hotel.

While the game is intended to be tragic and explore weighty matters, there is an inherently farcical quality to the concierges and some of the situations in which they find themselves, especially in Act 1. These lighter elements are meant to coexist with, and accentuate, the poignancy of the heavier elements.

This LARP is heavily inspired by Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel, and to a lesser extent the musical Cabaret, but familiarity with these media isn't necessary to play.
Content Advisory!
Present offscreen and through narration: fascism, xenophobia and other forms of bigotry by outside groups, war, violent injury and death, incarceration, and extermination camps. Present onscreen: classism. Important Note: None of the player characters in this game are fascists or hold bigoted views other than possibly classism, and such views will not be tolerated in or out of character.

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