Be Witch

Aer van de Water
  • All Ages
  • LARP
System: Be Witch
Date: Oct 27
4:00pm (duration 2:00)
Room: Sandpebble D/E (59)
Spaces: 8
Attendee/Player Age: 13+
Safety Tools: Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
Characters: Created at the table
In a time of societal change, can a woman truly have it all? With magic at her fingertips, she can.

Players take on the role of witches in suburbia, trying to balance home life with that eternal urge to change reality to their whim and seed chaos for their own cause. What will they do to help or hinder the coven when they gather to talk, gossip and work their magic, while also hiding their supernatural powers from the mundane world.

In the olden days witches would meet their coven around a huge fire in the dark woods, but in these modern times, a phone tree often replaces a siren call to meet when the hurly burly is just getting started or in trying to avoid it all together. By waterpool or scrying mirror, at the local community center or four-table boba shop, you coven meets to discuss their problems and dish about the week, the goings on of their neighbourhoods, their command of unnatural forces and seek advice from their circle, helpful or otherwise.

Players of all genders are welcome to play witches of any gender. Characters will be designed at the table. Tone: comedic, slice-of-life.

Adapted for the occasion from "Be Witch," a freeform parlor LARP by J. Michael Arons, designed and originally published for Golden Cobra, with design and safety aid by Tara M. Clapper.

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Event Booking

Date: Oct 27
4:00pm (duration 2:00)
Spaces: 8

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