Batukh Hungers

David Neubauer
  • LARP
System: Batukh Hungers
Date: Oct 25
8:00pm (duration 4:00)
Spaces: 12
Attendee/Player Age: 18+
Safety Tools: X-Card, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy, Other, OK Check-in
Characters: Provided
It is time for the Dark Harvest. The most devoted followers of Batukh the Hungering God have gathered to conduct the holy rites and ensure their deity is appeased for another year. But times are hard for this dark cult - membership is falling, willing sacrifices are ever harder to come by, and internal plotting and divisions could spell the end.

One thing is certain - if Batukh is not satisfied, the current age of humanity will end in blood and flame. Can the cult put aside their differences to appease their dark god, or will a greater darkness fall upon the land?

This is a UK-style freeform game about cults, magic and sacrifice. Characters are pre-written with interlinking backgrounds, relationships and goals.

The tone is intended to be reasonably dark and serious, although with moments of humour. Gameplay is pretty much entirely interpersonal drama. Characters will have goals to try and achieve by talking to the other players. There are no game mechanics other than a countdown to when the sacrifice must be completed.
Content Advisory!
This game contains some dark themes including murder, torture, violence and various types of criminal activity. There is no sexual violence or criminality of any kind, but there is a marriage that may have been compelled by magical means. Some characters have references in their backgrounds to domestic violence and depression/suicide, but it is possible to opt of of these themes on the casting form. Be aware that human sacrifice is a major theme in the game, and unlike everything else, it cannot be avoided. If this topic will cause you problems, this may not be a suitable game for you.

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