POC Programming 2024

Apr 24, 2024

This year, we have united the powerhouses of our POC Programming Track and our Big Bad Con Scholarship program! Bringing these two scholarship programs together will allow us to continue our work to support POCs at Big Bad Con through financial aid, an industry meet and greet event, and the opportunity to spend a weekend with an international community.

We will be updating this post with more detail and information:

Scholarship Funds for POCs

Working with individual and industry donors we hope to raise $75,000+ to aid people of color from around the world in attending the con by paying for travel, boarding, admission, and related expenses. These funds will be distributed through our Big Bad Con Scholarship to POC applicants.

POC Meet & Greet

We're hosting a Meet & Greet for POC writers, artists, editors, and creators to interact with their fellow peers and industry contacts. Non-POC industry attendees will also be invited with the specific goal to offer mentorship, publishing, or employment opportunities to the attendees of color.


Time to break the ice and make some friends! Join us in the Poolside Pavilion for a speed-dating inspired event to meet others who share your interests. This event is for PoC attendees (organized with the help of the Special Events Team) with the goal of having friendly conversations with new people!

Office Hours

Following on the success of the virtual office hours facilitated for us by the excellent folks over at Pixel Circus during our Big Bad Online event, we will be offering our industry attendees conference rooms to meet with interested attendees who would like to connect directly with them. This will expand upon the opportunities of the Meet & Greet, providing additional time and flexibility for our scholarship recipients of color to build connections and explore professional opportunities.

POC Lounge

This year we're adding a new POC Lounge, as a space available to all POC attendees throughout the con to connect, relax, and socialize. We are hosting this space in place of the POC Dinner, an event that we deeply valued but which, due to the presence of food, placed an undue burden of risk on our POC attendees. The POC Lounge will be a masking-required space, as are all con spaces and events this year.


Thank you to all of our sponsors! Their support of transformative change in games is so important, and we are grateful for their generous contributions.

Several generous sponsors have already made individual and corporate contributions to make our POC Programming possible.

We would like to add a special thanks to our major donors:



Questions and Further Information

This post will be updated as more details become available. Everyone at Big Bad Con is excited about the PoC focused events, and many of us have been involved in planning and organizing them! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at events@bigbadcon.com

Would you like to contribute?

If you would like to support our efforts, please consider donating below. All funds sent to this link will go directly to our POC programing. All donations are tax deductible as Big Bad Con is a 501c3 Non-Profit.

Donate Now

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