Big Bad Online!
As a result of this year's Big Bad Con Kickstarter, we had several live online games happen with some amazing GMs — many of whom were designers of the games themselves! It was a great success thanks to not only the GMs but the players and we want to encourage more of these online games in 2017! If you enjoyed these games let us know. If you have ideas how we can expand online games as part of Big Bad Con feel free to contact us.
If you missed the games you can watch them all below!
Blade in the Dark, GM (and designer of the game): John Harper
Bluebeard's Bride, GM (and designer of the game): Sarah Richardson
Masks, GM (and designer of the game): Brendan Conway
Monsterhearts, GM: Kira Magrann
Cartel, GM (and designer of the game): Mark Diaz Truman
They had to start it over, so it's in two parts.