Big Bad Con 101: Little Red's Must Have List!

You're coming to Big Bad Con! Awesome. Here are some important Con 101 reminders:
Before you head out
Bring non-perishable food for donation. Big Bad Con will have a food barrel for the Alameda County Community Food Bank at the registration desk. Please bring a can of something tasty for all the hungry folks in the Bay and we'll give you a pin! Here is a list of food they are looking for (PDF)
Directions: Here is a link to the hotel on Google Maps. Lost on the road. The Hotel's number is: 510-635-5000
Contact Information: In a bind and need to contact us? You can tweet @bigbadcon or send an email to Once you’re on site there will be staff members and volunteers in the registration area and open gaming. Just stop by and we'll be happy to help.
At the con
Hungry? The program has a list of nearby food; you can also access a Google Map of nearby eating here.
Where to go? Hotel check-in is in Building 1. The convention is in Building 5. You can find a map of the building on the hotel page.
Parking. Parking is complimentary for all attendees. If you are staying at the hotel, your room key will get you in and out of the lot. If you're commuting to the con, we have passes at the registration desk, just ask for one when you get your badge
Internet. Unfortunately building 5 (where the con is) does not have wireless access. Wired internet access is available in the rooms for $12.95/day or you can get free wireless in the hotel lobby, restaurant and bar.
Registration: If you signed up before 9/30 (either paid admission or volunteered) your badge will be ready for you at the door. If not weekend passes are $50 and one day passes are $25. You can purchase these at the con registration desk.
Sign-ups: Many games have already been filled through online sign-ups. Online game sign ups close 9/30. To get into any games after that, just put your name down on the game sheet at the registration desk (Under the "Wolf Den" Banner). Like we did it on the website, all open games will be first come, first served. The current day’s games will be posted on the wall, and updated for the next day at 8PM.
Games on Demand: Stop by Boardroom II and play what you want, when you want it. The organizers will show available game times, systems and GMs on a whiteboard inside the boardroom.
Open Gaming: All the game slots full and nothing to? Head over to Open Gaming in the Empire Room, where we'll have awesome games running all weekend!
Content Policy: The con is 18 and over; we expect games to cover the gamut of gonzo silly to very mature themes. More detail is on our content policy page.
Schedule: The game schedule is online here as a PDF or Google Doc.
Surviving at the Con
Sleep, eat and shower. In the excitement of gaming it is easy to forget some of the basics. The 3-2-1 con rule is a good one. Every day you need at least 3 hours of sleep, 2 meals, and 1 shower.
Up for little exercise? The Wolf Chase 2012 is open to all who can stumble out of bed by 7AM. It's our opportunity to not only get in some exercise, but also bring a little more aid to Doctors Without Boarders, via the Crowdrise fundraiser!